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WE MANAGE AND INVEST family AND philanthropic ASSETS.


We invest the assets of families, foundations, religious institutions and other types of long-term investors. We build diversified portfolios with individual investment strategies for each client. We work with only the very best international and Czech investment companies, asset managers, and banks from across the market. 

We provide extraordinary alternative investment opportunities in the areas of private equity, venture capital, real assets and absolute return. We create "investment clubs" and co-invest the assets of our shareholders, clients and employees.

More about investment philosophy

invest with us?

We have a firm grasp of complex asset management and the creation of individual portfolios. Hence, we seek out investment opportunities and set up “Investment Clubs” through which we can offer unique opportunities in alternative investments. These opportunities are particularly in private equity, venture capital and real estate property, which are not readily available to regular investors. 

CZK assets under management
strategically managed Private portfolios
managed Investment funds
unique Alternative investments




We design and invest discretionary fully customized separately managed accounts in cooperation with renowned banking institutions and asset managers.

Learn more about private portfolios here


Investment funds

We manage a range of mutual funds across asset classes on both public and private markets in commingled and private structures.

All of our investment funds can be found here



We provide comprehensive overview and planning for large financial estates across multiple banks and custodians.

Learn more about wealth management here

Giloš Alternativní investice


We invest, manage and administer investment portfolios in the area of private markets and hedge funds

Learn more about alternative investments here